Staff update and upcoming workshops

13 Apr 2022

Kia ora koutou katoa to all our members, 

We hope you are all gearing up for a happy Easter. We wish you all a safe and happy long weekend.  

Farewell to Michael 

After 15 years, Michael Northcott, Member Support and Programme Coordinator for our adult members, is leaving the Society. Today is his last day with us. 

We’re sad to see him leave, and we’re sure members who have dealt with him over the years will feel the same.  

Michael has worked in a number of roles including the Get Connected Pilot Project -Project Leader, Project and Property Manager, Office and IT Manager, Advocacy, Office and IT Manager, Member Support and Liaison and his most recent role of Member Support and Programmes Coordinator. 

As a team, we’re going to miss his wealth of knowledge, his comical personality and his can-do attitude to dig in and lend some muscle when it’s needed.  

A message from General Manager Clare Williams: During his 15 years of service, Michael has made significant contributions to the evolution of the organisation and connected very well with his colleagues, members and their families in a way which established long-lasting relationships.”

A message from Michael “I wish to thank our awesome members, staff, board and former staff plus former board members who have made the CP Society what it is for the betterment of our members. Thank you and I wish you all the best for the future.”

Please join us in wishing Michael well and all the best. 

Long weekends ahead 

With the long weekend ahead of us, we just wanted to remind you the Society will be closed this weekend on Good Friday and Easter Monday.  

From April 19 to 22 we will be short staffed, so if you do call us on 0800 503 603 or email us at please be patient. We will get to your call or email as soon as possible.  

We will also be closed on Anzac Day, Monday, April 25.  

Connecting Over Coffee 

Have you heard about Connecting Over Coffee yet?  

We’re running virtual coffee groups – but with a twist! We want these coffee groups to be not only a chance to chat and catch up, but also an opportunity to learn and possibly try something new.  Think art classes, yoga and meditation, music, movie and book discussions, exercise classes…….  

A typical Connecting Over Coffee session consists of members chatting, an introduction about the topic and then a session with a speaker/instructor/tutor running for 30-45 minutes (and depending on the topic, some sessions may run longer).   

And remember – the coffee is on us! We’re happy to shout a CPS member plus one attending caregiver, support person, family member or friend, morning tea to the value of $15 per person.  

Our next Connecting Over Coffee session will be on Wednesday, April 27 at 11am. We’ll be joined by Jen from The Adaptive Yogi for a yoga session.  

Jen lives with a disability and says her aim is to help people achieve connection, body peace and acceptance in a judgment-free yoga zone.   

“Variations will be offered if any of the physical Yoga poses are a challenge – there is always a way to Yoga! Yoga is about connecting to your body and breath – not about what you can and can’t do – so if you can breathe – you can take part!”  

There’s more information about The Adaptive Yogi, Connecting Over Coffee and getting reimbursed for your morning tea, on our website. You can also see what we have planned for the coming months.    

Click on this link to join the meeting on April 27, and if you’re new to Zoom, here’s some information about how to join a Zoom call. 

We’d love you to join us.   

Q&A evening session with Manawanui about Individualised Funding 

Our first Connecting Over Coffee session last month with Manawanui was so well received, we decided to get Simon and Liam back to host a virtual Q&A session with members. This time it’s an evening session! 

You’re invited to register and attend the Understanding Individualised Funding – CP Society Workshop which is running from 7pm-9pm on Star Wars Day (better known as Wednesday May 4th).  


You will need to register in advance for this workshop so that you receive the details to join.  

They will be covering the basics of disability funding, what is Individualised Funding (IF), the Purchasing Guidelines and you’ll hear from some current CP Society members who have IF as well. 

This workshop will include an opportunity for you to ask questions – things you’ve always wanted to know about IF or get the answers to any questions relating to your specific circumstances.  

Come along ready to ask your questions during the workshop. Or if you’d prefer you can add your questions in when you register, or email them to and they will be answered on the night.  

Please remember to register, and please share the details with anyone you think might be interested in attending! The more the merrier – we’d love to see you there.  


Disability Law workshop and the getStructured programme 

We’re excited to be hosting Nan Jensen, a Barrister and Solicitor from QuinLaw on Wednesday, May 25 and Thursday, May 26 

Nan will be hosting a two-night virtual workshop from 7pm-8.30pm called Planning For Adulthood – The Legal Framework Around Disability and Disability Rights where you’ll learn about disability and the law. 

The workshop will be helpful for anyone who has a disability or has a family member who has a disability.  

Support workers and whānau are very welcome to attend this very informative workshop. There will also be plenty of opportunity to ask general law questions. 

The CP Society has a programme called getStructured, that may assist financial members with CP by providing up to $1,500 to set up a legal framework for them or their family. You can find out more about getStructured here, or join the workshop to learn more. 

Topics To be Covered: 
– Convention on rights of persons with disabilities
– Guardianship
– Protection of Personal and Property Rights (PPPR) Act – Welfare Guardians/Property Administrator/Manager
– Enduring Powers Of Attorney (EPAs) 
– Wills 
– Family Trusts 
– Privacy Issues (health information) 

Please note: the evening will run over two consecutive nights. Please join us if you can commit to attending both evenings, as the information is linked. 

To join the virtual workshop, please RSVP to by Tuesday, May 24. Sarah will send you the links to both nights and after the second night will send workshop notes, and information about getStructured.  

Alternatively – the links are here:  

Wednesday, May 25 

Thursday, May 26

Coming events 

The Workshops, Expos, Opportunities & More page on our website has information about events happening in the disability sector.  

You’ll find info about virtual legal workshops, dance workshops in Wellington, an Auckland Employment programme, Outward Bound opportunities, and more.  

Research Opportunities  

Take a look at the Research Opportunities page on our website.   

Opportunities include:  

– The New Zealand Cerebral Palsy Register researching Respiratory Health in Tamariki living with Cerebral Palsy, in Auckland.
Auckland University researchers looking for volunteers to trial a computer game to help with anxiety.
– R
esearchers at the Rose Centre seeking parents of Māori and Pasifika children with Cerebral Palsy whose child has experienced swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) as result of Cerebral Palsy.
– Researchers at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute and Mātai Medical Research Institute (Tairāwhiti/Gisborne) seeking parents of children with Cerebral Palsy for Leg MRI to Understand Muscle Shape and Growth in Cerebral Palsy.
– Researchers at MRCagney seeking people in Auckland who use a manual wheelchair, a white cane or a guide dog to look at accessible walking routes. 

All the best to you and your whānau.   

Ngā mihi,
Clare and the CP Society team