How does #beACTIVE work?
#beACTIVE is unique to you, so choose an activity and distance that suits (and challenges!) your lifestyle.
We suggest 5 meters to 5 km in any timeframe within the month of October.
You might choose to roll and ride 5 km over October, while others might decide to run (or jog or walk).
Some may choose to row (or swim) 5 meters.
Fundraise by sharing #beACTIVE
By setting up your own fundraising page, and sharing your Be Green & Seen #beACTIVE challenge and fundraising goal with family, friends, and your network, you will ensure the Cerebral Palsy Society will be able to continue to support Kiwis in your community and throughout New Zealand.
Where does my money go?
By making a donation, you’re supporting the Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand to help people with Cerebral Palsy – Hōkai Nukurangi live life to the full, through funding programmes that promote active participation and social inclusion.
Your generosity will go towards the Society’s ‘getProgramme’ – funding support towards transport, counselling, equipment, exercise and everyday essentials for people with Cerebral Palsy – Hōkai Nukurangi; as well as vital advisory services and social connection events.
And by spreading the word about your support, you’ll be raising awareness, knowledge and understanding about Cerebral Palsy – Hōkai Nukurangi.
There are many reasons why being seen is important to those living with Cerebral Palsy – Hōkai Nukurangi and those who love and support them.
Change starts with conversations and conversations start by being seen.
#CPSocietyNZ #BeGreenandBeSeen #WorldCerebralPalsyDay #beACTIVE
Contact us:
0800 503 603