
Obtaining a driver license and learning to drive is more expensive for people who have Cerebral Palsy compared to their able-bodied counterparts. This is due to lessons in specialised vehicles with disability modifications being more expensive, and potentially, members with Cerebral Palsy having other disability barriers to overcome which result in them needing more lessons (eg: startle reflex, learning disabilities, sensory impairments etc).

The getDriving grant aims to provide current financial members of the Cerebral Palsy Society with driving lessons, enabling them to gain their Restricted Driver License. 

To get the getDriving programme off the ground, the Cerebral Palsy Society has received a limited amount of funding from two generous sources, that will provide approximately 30 members with lessons. 

Watch the video below to learn more about getDriving from former Member Support
and Programmes Coordinator, Renata Kotua.

Feedback from getDriving participants:

“I am enjoying my driving lessons and feel that my confidence is growing. I am a lot more comfortable behind the wheel and with using the hand controls. I am excited at the prospect of getting my license and the independence
it will give me in my daily life. I really appreciate the generous support from the Cerebral Palsy Society in covering the expense of my lessons and helping me reach my goal.”

– Charlie

“Driving with a disability gives me a  sense of freedom behind the wheel, got lots more opportunities to get to more places rather then having rely on trains and buses that aren’t reliable especially when people like myself have get to different appointments on time etc. I’m thankful for this huge opportunity at first I was unsure.
My confidence behind the wheel is differently improving each week!”
– Cat

To be eligible for getDriving, you must: 

  • Be a New Zealand citizen or resident
  • Be a current financial member of the Cerebral Palsy Society of NZ
  • Have a current Learner Driver Licence
  • Have sign-off from a General Practitioner (GP) (section F of the getDriving form)
  • Be willing to self-fund an Occupational Therapist (OT) Driving Assessment, if your GP determines you need it, before applying for a getDriving grant (a list of some OT Driving Assessors can be found here)
  • If applicable, provide a report/support letter from the OT assessment as part of your application, which confirms: 
    • You have Cerebral Palsy
    • Confirms you have capacity to learn how to operate a vehicle on the road safely 
    • Details which vehicle modifications or driving conditions are required for the member to operate a vehicle on the road safely. 

What you get: 

  • Initial series of 10 driving lessons with an instructor that is geographically closest to the member and who has experience teaching drivers to use a vehicle with modifications (if required)
  • Additional lessons (amount determined on a case-by-case basis after communications with the member and the driving instructor). 


Our useful list of FAQs will help answer your questions. If you have any other questions, please email or phone 0800 503 603.


  • Applications can be made at any time
  • getDriving grants are available to members resident in New Zealand who have New Zealand citizenship or permanent residency
  • The recipient of the grant must be a current financial member of the Cerebral Palsy Society and have a membership number. Find out about becoming a member.
  • Applicants are required to provide a clear photograph of their Learner Driver License (front and back). Text must be in focus so we can read the driving conditions (if applicable)
  • Applicants must gain sign-off from their GP confirming whether or not it is safe for them to learn to drive
  • Applicants may be required to provide a report or supporting letter from a driving occupational therapist (OT) which:
    • Confirms they have capacity to learn how to operate a vehicle on the road safely
    • Details which vehicle modifications or driving conditions are required for the member to operate a vehicle on the road safely. 
      (a list of some OT Driving Assessors can be found here)
  • getDriving grants will not be considered for the Occupational Therapist Driving Assessment
  • getDriving grants will not be considered for gaining additional classes of driver license (Motorcycle, HT etc). It must be to support the member to get their 1R driver license.
  • Grants will not be considered for the purchase of cars, vans or vehicle modifications
  • All getDriving applications are considered by the getDriving Grant Committee
  • Applications received on or before the last Friday of the month will be considered in the first 10 days of the next month (applications received in December and January each year will be considered at the February meeting)
  • Notification as to the outcome of the application will be made seven (7) days after each monthly getDriving meeting
  • The getDriving Grant Committee will consider the amount of any funding sought, and previous getDriving funding provided to the applicant, as well as the need for, and benefit of, the grant in determining the application
  • The getDriving Grant Committee’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into
  • The amount approved by the getDriving Grant Committee will be at their discretion and may not be for the full amount applied for.

How to apply:

Download the getDriving application form, fill it in and email it to

OR post it to:

Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand
DX Box CP31005
Auckland 1023
New Zealand


For more information email or phone 0800 503 603.

Cerebral Palsy Society member Grace Lee gained her drivers licence before the getDriving programme was established. You can read about her experiences here

The ability to drive places has brought freedom and spontaneity into Grace Lee’s life.

Cat Owen is learning to drive through the getDriving programme. You can read about her experiences here. 

“I’m thankful for this huge opportunity. At first, I was unsure. But my confidence
behind the wheel is
definitely improving each week!”