Masterton’s Coffee Group

Coffee groups are a great way for members of the Cerebral Palsy Society to get together and socialise. Afternoon tea is provided, complements of the Cerebral Palsy Society.

Masterton’s coffee group is held at 2.00 p.m. at Iberia Cafe (Suncourt Complex, 229 Queen Street, Masterton 5810). 

Masterton’s coffee group is currently scheduled to be held at 2:00 p.m. on the following dates:  

Saturday the 21st of August
Saturday the 18th of September
Saturday the 17th of October 
Saturday the 20th of November

If you would like to attend the coffee group, please RVSP by emailing Vanessa at

21 August 2021 14:00
Iberia Cafe
Suncourt Complex,
229 Queen Street,
Masterton , New Zealand