Adult life with CP

Cerebral Palsy and The Workplace

01 Nov 2017
Functional Issues at Work

The day-to-day challenges of the workplace are likely to increase as an employed individual with CP reaches middle age. Some individuals will be able to continue working with accommodations such as an adjusted work schedule, assistive equipment, or frequent rest periods.

This is because day-to-day activities, such as talking or walking, can become more demanding for individuals with CP as they age. This can impact their performance in the workplace.

Under the NZ Disabilities Act ***, all individuals with a mental or physical impairment are entitled to equal opportunities and independence. This means that individuals living with CP cannot be discriminated against in job interviews, school applications or in the workplace for their condition.

With this in mind, employers are required to provide “reasonable accommodations” for employees with disabilities. These accommodations include:

  • Assistive technology or programs, such as spell checkers
  • Adjusted work schedules
  • Frequent rest periods
  • Working within close proximity to restrooms, office machines, parking lots, etc.
  • Use of a service dog
  • Use of a personal care attendant
  • Telephone assistance devices
  • Writing or typing aids/grips

By understanding the best way to manage CP symptoms, adults can continue to pursue their dreams and aspirations without any limitations.