Reaching For The Stars

10 Mar 2020

Our members are reaching for the stars and Chad Campbell is one of the most recent examples.

After receiving a grant at the end of 2017, which helped go towards purchasing a Celestron Evolution 8” telescope and further accessories, Chad’s passion for astro photography has flourished.

“Astro photography has always been a passion of mine and since getting the equipment, I’ve decided to take up general photography as well.

“The grant assisted in the purchase of the necessary equipment to follow my dreams in pursuing a career in astronomy and photography. This amazing opportunity has given me direction, incentive, a goal and helped build my confidence,” he said.

When asked why obtaining the grant was so important, Chad said: “Because I was lost and bored. I had very little to do, no real interests, no goals or career path and my self confidence was at an all time low.”

Chad’s passion for astro photography and providing content for his platforms drives him.

“To date my general photography is mostly based around nature. I would like to expand my subject choices and try new things when I am able to purchase more specialised equipment.”

“My current goals are to utilise social media to promote my work and to continue to experiment with styles and expand my subject choices along with my client base,” he said.