Supporting the Society, Business Strategy, Coffee Group updates…and so much more

24 Mar 2023

Kia ora koutou katoa to all our members,   

We hope this email finds you, your family and whānau safe and well.  
Things have been very busy at the Cerebral Palsy Society, and we have a few awesome things to fill you in on.  

Participate in a marathon and fundraise for the CP Society 

We’re really excited about this new initiative! We’re looking for people to participate in marathons, fun runs, triathlons, or any similar type of event, and use it as an opportunity to raise funds for the Cerebral Palsy Society. 

This will be a perfect way for some of our members, their family and whānau, friends and supporters to support the Society.  
It’s a great opportunity for first timers, and seasoned marathon participants.  

Click here for more information. 
Or feel free to get directly in touch with our Partnerships and Fundraising Manager, Anne-Elise Smithson. 
09 320 1259 and 022 183 2051 

Cerebral Palsy Society Strategic Plan 2023-2024 

We are absolutely delighted to share with you the Cerebral Palsy Society’s Business Strategy for 2023-2024.

This document explores the Society’s Strategic Objectives and our Strategic Priorities.  
It will guide the board, management and staff as we work to serve you, the members of the Society. 
The document sets out our overall goals, and the strategies we’ll be using to achieve them.   

Click here to read the Business Strategy. 

Ticket giveaway! 

We’ve got 6 tickets to give away to CP Society members for the Hamilton performance of Kids Day Out Variety Show!  

Date: Wed April 5  
Time: 6pm  
Location: Fairfield College   

To enter the draw, email:
– your name
– the name of the CP Society member (if different from your name)
– the number of tickets you would like to win  

Winners will be drawn on Monday, March 27 at midday and be notified by reply email.  

Click here for event info.

Coffee Groups

Have you heard?! We’ve got some great additions to our Coffee Group calendar! 

Coffee Groups are open to financial members of the Society, who are welcome to bring along a companion, support worker and/or family member. Up to $15 worth of refreshments per person is provided, compliments of the Cerebral Palsy Society. 

NEW VENUE! St Lukes 
The Coffee Group that was held in Royal Oak, Auckland has relocated to St Lukes Mall. It is held at 10.30am, every second Thursday of the month. 

NEW! St Lukes – Children, parents and caregivers 
We’re trialing a coffee group for children, their parents and caregivers. 
This group is for parents who have a child with Cerebral Palsy, as well as parents who have Cerebral Palsy and an able-bodied child. 
Feel free to come along with or without your child (perhaps they are in daycare or school). Come along at 10.30am, every third Thursday of the month.

NEW! Hamilton 
Join us in Hamilton at 10.30am, every fourth Wednesday of the month. We’d love to see you there. 

We also have Coffee Groups in: 
Manukau, Auckland – 10.30am, every third Tuesday of the month
– Masterton – 2pm, the second Saturday of the month
– Parklands, Christchurch – 1pm, the first Tuesday of the month
– Addington, Christchurch – 1.15pm, the first Tuesday of the month 

Click here for all the details. 

Support Kiwis living with Cerebral Palsy 

As a supporter of the Cerebral Palsy Society of NZ, you can help Kiwis living with Cerebral Palsy maximise their potential.  

Perhaps you have a birthday coming up – you could ask family, whānau and friends to give in celebration, you could host a fundraising event at school or work, sign up as a monthly donor, or include a gift to the Society in your Will. 
Perhaps you know of a business that may be interested in learning more about partnering with the CP Society? Please put us in touch! 

Your gift will enable the Society to be there for people with Cerebral Palsy with whatever support they need.
We couldn’t do the work we do without our partners and supporters.  
For more information call 0800 503 603 or email     

Learn more about supporting the Cerebral Palsy Society here.  

Research Opportunities 

There are plenty of opportunities for you or your child to get involved in CP-related research. 

Current projects looking for participants include:  

– Chronic Pain Assessment in Cerebral Palsy 
An online survey for parents or caregivers of a young person with Cerebral Palsy (2-30 years)? An individual with Cerebral Palsy. A clinician working with individuals with Cerebral Palsy (> 5 years experience).

– Physical activity in children and their parents. How physical disability impacts it? 
An anonymous online survey for parents and caregivers of children aged 5 – 18 with any mobility or dexterity impairment. 

You’ll find information about these Research Opportunities, and others, here

We look forward to sharing more news with you again soon.  

Ngā mihi, 
Clare and the CP Society team