Professor Sue Stott’s research on the most common childhood disability in NZ – Cerebral Palsy

03 Sep 2021
Cerebral Palsy is the most common childhood disability in New Zealand – one in 500 children are diagnosed with it each year.
In spite of this, diagnosis and early intervention in New Zealand has lagged behind our peers in Australia and the UK.

On July 9, Professor Sue Stott held a symposium where she and her team presented their research to health professionals and families across the country.
The research, funded by the Starship Foundation thanks to the generosity of the Athlae Lyon Starship Research Trust, has helped create a new set of clinical guidelines.
The guidelines provide recommended paths for diagnosing Cerebral Palsy early, and how to communicate that diagnosis to whānau.
Meet #Starshipstar Molly and take a look at the difference Sue’s research will make by watching this video.

Starship Foundation
Watch the video here.