The Early Years Kete (0-5)

This toolkit, Cerebral Palsy – Hōkai Nukurangi: The Early Years Kete, is for whānau/families looking for health-related information and resources for their child living with Cerebral Palsy – Hōkai Nikurangi in Aotearoa New Zealand.
If you have recently found out your child has Cerebral Palsy – Hōkai Nikurangi, this kete is here to inform you about some of the health resources and services available to help you and your child thrive.

Below you’ll find individual chapters from the toolkit – these have some additional information and links that expand on the topics. 
At the bottom of the page there are English and te reo Māori versions of the toolkit in flipbook and downloadable PDF format. 

In the future we will be adding kete/toolkits that cover other ages and stages of life with Cerebral Palsy – Hōkai Nikurangi, to support individuals and their whānau. 

You can learn more about the toolkit here: