Annual Impact Report, AGM reminder, and so much more

27 Oct 2022

Kia ora koutou katoa to all our members, 

It’s been a full-on month at the Cerebral Palsy Society as we celebrate our annual campaign Be Green & Be Seen, we completed our Annual Impact Report, prepare for our AGM this Sunday, and the next round of getProgramme funding.  

You can read all about what’s been going on…..and so much more in our email below.  

Annual Impact Report 2021-2022 

We’re delighted to be presenting to you, the Cerebral Palsy Society’s first Annual Impact Report. 

The Annual Impact Report 2021-2022 covers everything from the work we’ve done for our members over the past financial year, through to the Society’s financial report.   

While we are required under new reporting standards to provide ‘service performance information’, the report is also an opportunity to tell our story and provide members, funders, and other stakeholders with our key aims and objectives, and provide an update on how we have been achieving our goals. 

You can read our Annual Impact Report 2021-2022 here 

Annual General Meeting 2022  

Voting for the CP Society’s 2022 Annual General Meeting closes at 4pm on Friday, October 28. The online voting information has been sent to financial members of the Society in an email or via letter, from the team at is an independent election management company, that manages our Board election, AGM Resolutions and Remit voting.   

The AGM material, including the AGM Agenda, President’s Report, Interests Register, audited financial statements and minutes from the 2021 AGM can be accessed here. 

If you have any queries regarding the voting process or need assistance with logging onto the voting site, please contact at or call their freephone help line on 0800 666 924.   

The AGM is being held on Sunday, 30 October, 2022 at 2pm

Members can attend virtually. If you wish to do so, please RSVP to the Society via email or phone on 0800 503 603 by 4pm, Friday, 28 October, 2022. The necessary details will be emailed to you. 

Please note: RSVPs for attending in person are now closed.  

e-Card – current funding round expires Oct 31  

Money allocated to a financial member’s e-card for the current round of getProgramme funding expires on Monday, October 31.   
Members have until midnight on that date to spend any remaining money on their card.    

The value and time frame for the next funding allocation will be decided on, and announced, in due course.   

Once the details have been finalised, members can top up their e-card by:    
– going to our website and logging in to the dashboard, clicking ‘apply for a programme’ and filling in the form   
– emailing us to request a top-up.   

You’ll find more info about the getProgramme & how to apply here. 

Be Green & Be Seen 2022  

Thanks to everyone who has continued to support the CP Society’s annual awareness and fundraising campaign, Be Green & Be Seen which has been running throughout October.  

We’ve had a great response from CP Society members as well as pre-schools, schools and businesses.   

Remember, it’s not too late to get your school or work place involved – Be Green & Be Seen runs for the month of October!   

You’ll find all the information you need here.   
And our Givealittle page is here.    

You can follow Be Green & Be Seen on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with all the news and ideas.  


Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill
– submissions and petition

Public submissions are being called for the Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill.  
The closing date for submissions is Monday, 07 November 2022.  


The bill aims to “address accessibility barriers faced by disabled people, tāngata whaikaha, and others, so they can live independently and participate fully in all areas of life”. 

To make a submission – click here. 

Access Matters is encouraging people to also sign a petition which asks for the Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill to be strengthened “to include standards, a regulator, a barrier notification system and a dispute resolution process to remove access barriers”. 

 Click here to sign the petition.  

Connecting Over Coffee – November 

Join us on Wednesday, November 23 at 11am to learn more about Cerebral Palsy research in New Zealand.  

We’ll be joined by Anna MackeyProject Manager for the Cerebral Palsy Society and New Zealand Cerebral Palsy Register, and Amy Hogan, Cerebral Palsy Society Researcher and Member Support Advisor. 

They will give a brief overview on current Cerebral Palsy related health research in New Zealand, and discuss ideas with the group on how to make ‘research’ more relevant for people with lived experience of Cerebral Palsy in New Zealand. 

Here’s the Zoom link for each session, and there’s more info about Connecting Over Coffee, and getting reimbursed for your coffee, here.

New e-card suppliers 

We’d like to take a quick moment to say thank you to the latest group of suppliers who have joined the getProgramme 


– Early Movement Therapy For members in Auckland and across New Zealand. Conductive education sessions for children with motor challenges.  
– Habit Health Dunedin For members in Dunedin. Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, EAP services, nursing services.
– Whakatane District Council – Aquatic Centre For members in Whakatane, Eastern Bay of Plenty. Aquatics, Learn to Swim, Aqua Exercise, gym and fitness.
– CBay Aquatic Centre For members in Timaru. Pool admission, gym, swimming lessons.
– Auckland Central Riding for the Disabled For Auckland Central members. Interaction with horses to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for people experiencing disability, or who have specific challenges or needs.
– Parafed Auckland For members across Auckland. Disability sport and recreation opportunities. 

– The Sleep Store For members across the country. Baby products, carrier consultations. 

MyAbilities Health Transition Workshop 

A limited number of places are available for members aged 12-18 who would like to participate in a MyAbilities Health Transition Workshop. 

Sessions are based on individualised goal setting and coaching interactions with the young person while accompanied by their parent or caregiver. 

The programme has been set up by Dr Jimmy Chong, a Paediatrican who specialises in Rehabilitation Medicine. The Cerebral Palsy Society contributed to costs through an Organisation Grant.  

Along with a team of youth coordinators, the aim is to empower individuals utilising strength based and family centred tools to build confidence and independence with their health and healthcare.   

The workshops will be held in Auckland from Nov 22 – Jan 23.  

Click here for more information, and here to register your interest. 

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower 

Wearing a Hidden Disabilities Sunflower discreetly indicates to people that the person wearing it has a non-visible disability and may need additional support, help or more time. 

There are a number of airports, hotels and other facilities around New Zealand that are Sunflower-friendly places. 

For more information check Life Unlimited (authorised New Zealand distributor) or the Hidden Disabilities website.  

That’s all for now. We look forward to being in touch with you again soon.  

Ngā mihi,

Clare and the CP Society team