Transport and Disability Workshops

08 Jun 2021

MRCargney and the Disability Persons Assembly are working together to undertake research on behalf of Waka Kotahi, NZ Transport Agency. The research is titled “Understanding the transport experiences of disabled people, determining what barriers exist for people wanting to use Total Mobility and exploring new opportunities.”


As part of this research, they are holding workshops to give people the opportunity to disabled people to share their experiences with the transport system. These workshops are being held around the country, so please check out the list of upcoming workshops below.


Workshop participants will be offered a $20 Koha for participating, this will be provided in the form of vouchers. If you require financial assistance with transport costs to attend the workshop, please get in touch with the Disability Persons Assembly. If you have any questions about the workshop or this project, please contact Paul Brown from the Disabled Persons Assembly on 


Upcoming Workshops 

Whangarei Workshop: 8 June – Click here to register

Hamilton Workshop: 10 June – Click here to register

Online Workshop for people in other regions: – Click here to register