The CP Society’s Auckland office has closed 

11 May 2022

After being based in Newmarket for four years, the Cerebral Palsy Society Board and Management have decided to close its Auckland office. All staff are now working from home. 

The decision was made following the successful running of the organisation during the Covid-19 pandemic.  

Board Chair Meg Smith says the lockdowns over the past two years proved that services to members could still be provided to a high standard, and with minimal disruption (except for the disruptions that were out of our control, caused by Covid-19). 

“Ending the lease on the office will generate a significant financial saving for the organisation – which the board and staff look forward to redirecting to members,” Meg says. 

GOOD NEWS – the closure of the office doesn’t stop us from catching up face-to-face!   

Any members who want to meet in person in Auckland or Christchurch, and in the near future Manawatū or Wellington (where we have, or will have, a staff presence) are encouraged to get in touch.  

We’re more than happy for a staff member to come to your home or meet you at a café.  

Extending our staff presence across various regions will enable us to improve access to in-person services for more members in more locations outside of Auckland, including in-person Trike and Total Mobility assessments.  
We can come to you, or arrange a suitable meeting point to carry these out. 

If you have any queries about how the closure of the office affects you, please do get in touch.  
You can call us on 0800 503 603 or email us at
All staff are contactable vias email or phone – all our details are here