Steptember 2019

11 Mar 2020

A huge thank you to our global partner, Goodman, and the NZ “arm” of it, which has gone above and beyond for CP Society of NZ through its amazing support of Steptember, from dollar matching during the campaign, to sponsoring an event for the students of CASS (Central Auckland Special School), and getting so many of their own staff to participate and produce winning results to benefit all our CP members – thank you so much!

Thanks as well to Lisa Adams, our Steptember ambassador, and to Mike Puru and Mel Homer, who promoted Steptember on TV and radio and via social media, and really helped to raise our profile.

We wrapped up Steptember 2019 with an awards presentation late last year – and honoured several corporates and individuals, with special kudos to the four corporates which have participated for all 5 years in Steptember: Goodman NZ, Simpson-Grierson, Harvey Norman and Hot Leads.

We also recognized many teams and individuals during the presentation – including the winners in each category:
Drew Leafa of Simpson-Grierson won our Community Award, in recognition of consistently being our highest stepper and fundraiser combined since 2015/2016
Portside, of Port Otago, the Top Stepping Team, with 4,212,852 Steps
Ross Woodall, Portside team, the Top Individual Stepper at 1,418,993 steps
Godfrey Hirst which had the greatest number of participants at 400
Waitakere College, the Top Fundraising School with $2495 raised
Devsteppers, from Goodman NZ, the Top Fundraising team with $11,725
Willy Main of Devsteppers, the Top Individual Fundraiser at $6,875
Goodman Property Services (NZ) Limited, the Top Corporate Fundraiser which brought in a phenomenal $27,648.18

Thanks as well to janda, our great project managers, and to each and every participant – we will be in touch shortly with our plans for 2020. In the meantime, please know that the funds you helped to raise will benefit our CP community in so many ways, from funding research to providing and enhancing our programmes and services – quite simply, we cannot do it without your support – so, on behalf of all those we serve, we say a heartfelt thank you!