Planning for Adulthood – Seminar

01 Apr 2021

Disability Connect is holding seminars throughout Auckland and online. The seminar is:

Planning For Adulthood: The Legal Famework around Disability and Disability Rights

This seminar will be of interest to you if:

You worry about the long term welfare of your young person with a disability when you die – who will support them to make decisions about their personal care and welfare? And who will understand their needs and make decisions about their personal and physical welfare on their behalf if they are unable to do so?

You need to understand the difference amongst welfare guardianship, power of attorney, property management and how a Trust may be useful for managing property.

You need information about the relevance of a Will and Letter of Wishes and how these might be useful.

You are concerned about managing and protecting assets or income of your young disabled person.

You want to know how to manage assets through a family trust.

The speaker at this presentation is Nan Jensen, (Barrister and Solicitor) from Quinlaw. This seminar was formerly known as Trust and Welfare Guardianship seminar.

North Auckland
Wednesday 23rd June 6.30-9.30pm
Albany Community Hub, 575 Albany Highway, Albany.

Cost: $20.00 per family and $50.00 per professionals (working in disability sector). 

RSVP:  Please contacting Disability Connect on 09 636 0351 or

Please click here to access the official flyer.