Our Members - Their Stories

Taking advantage of what life has to offer

02 Sep 2022

Trish McQueen enjoys the benefits that come from being a member of the CP Society 

 By Melanie Louden

Trish McQueen has an important message for people taking part in the Cerebral Palsy Society of NZ’s annual awareness and fundraising campaign.  

“Get to know us for who we are.” 

Trish, 50, lives in Kapiti and was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy when she was born. Cerebral Palsy affects her balance and speech.  

She is sharing her story as part of Be Green & Be Seen to raise awareness of the condition, and the support the Society provides to its members. 

Be Green & Be Seen is the Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand’s awareness and fundraising campaign happening throughout October.  

Green is the internationally recognised colour for Cerebral Palsy, and October 6 is World Cerebral Palsy Day. 

Trish grew up in Carterton with two siblings, and as a youngster enjoyed swimming, horse riding and dancing. 

She remembers her childhood involving lots of physiotherapy and speech therapy. 

These days Trish regularly attends WIDance classes. 

WIDance offers inclusive dance classes, workshops, and performance opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. 

She enjoys the opportunity WIDance provides for her to have friends.  

Trish has been a member of the Society since 2018 and says it has been a valuable source of support. 

“They make sure I get what I need.”  

She attends the Society’s virtual coffee group, Connecting Over Coffee, and takes advantage of the funding programme that supports members.  

Trish uses the getPhysical funding to attend yoga classes. 

“Yoga has helped me with my balance and grounding.” 

Photo by Marcus Oakland.

Getting behind the Cerebral Palsy Society’s Be Green & Be Seen campaign ensures members continue to have social connection opportunities and the support they need, just like Trish. 



Be Green & Be Seen is the Cerebral Palsy Society of NZ’s annual awareness and fundraising campaign. You can find out all about the campaign here

Make a Be Green & Be Seen donation today – www.givealittle.co.nz/cause/bgandbs


For more information:
Melanie Louden
Communications Manager
Mobile: 022 087 8191