October update from the CP Society

18 Oct 2022

Kia ora koutou katoa to all our members,

Can you believe it’s mid-October already? The year really is flying by!
It certainly feels like time goes faster when there is lots happening….and there’s definitely lots happening here at the CP Society.  

Annual General Meeting 2022  

By now you should have received an email from the team at inviting you to vote ahead of the CP Society’s Annual General Meeting. is an independent election management company, that manages our Board election and AGM Resolutions and Remit voting. 
Registered members of the Cerebral Palsy Society will have received an email or a letter in the mail from with information about online voting.  

You have until 4pm on Friday, 28 October, 2022 to cast your votes. 

The AGM material, including the AGM Agenda, President’s Report, Interests Register, audited financial statements and minutes from the 2021 AGM can be accessed here.

If you have any queries regarding the voting process or need assistance with logging onto the voting site, please contact at or call the freephone help line on 0800 666 924.  

The AGM is being held on Sunday, 30 October, 2022 at 2pm at Straker Translations, 49 Parkway Drive, Rosedale, Auckland 
Members have the option of attending virtually.   

Please RSVP via email or phone 0800 503 603.   

–  If you are attending in person, please RSVP by Tuesday, 25 October, 2022. Please note, numbers are limited. 
– If you are attending virtually, please RSVP by 4pm, Friday, 28 October, 2022. The necessary details will be emailed to you. 

e-Card – 2 weeks till current funding round expires 

Money allocated to a financial member’s e-card for the current round of getProgramme funding expires in two weeks – on Monday, October 31.  
Members have until that date to spend the money currently on their card.   

The value and time frame for the next funding allocation will be announced in due course.  
Once the details have been announced, members can top up their e-card by:   
– going to our website and logging in to the dashboard – clicking ‘apply for a programme’ and filling in the form  
– emailing us to request a top-up.  

You’ll find more info about the getProgramme & how to apply here. 

Be Green & Be Seen 2022 

Our annual awareness and fundraising campaign, Be Green & Be Seen, runs throughout October. It is timed to coincide with World Cerebral Palsy Day which was on October 6. 

We’ve had a great response so far from CP Society members as well as pre-schools, schools and businesses 

There’s been great coverage across Facebook and Instagram, landmarks around the country have been lit up green, and the donations have been rolling in to our Be Green & Be Seen Givealittle page, and directly to the CP Society. 

It’s not too late to get your school or work place involved – Be Green & Be Seen runs for the month of October!  
You can get creative to encourage donations – host a workplace green morning tea, have a ‘wear green’ casual Friday or mufti day at school or work, colour your hair green (temporary products recommended!), raffle off a jar of green lollies or a hamper of green-themed goodies. 

You’ll find all the information you need here 
And our Givealittle page is here  

You can follow Be Green & Be Seen on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with all the news and ideas. 


Coffee Group updates 

It’s so great to see so many members attending our monthly coffee group sessions! They are a great opportunity to catch up and share stories.  

Coffee groups are currently held in:  

– Royal Oak, Auckland
– Manukau, Auckland  
– Masterton 
– Parklands, Christchurch
– Addington, Christchurch 

All coffee groups will meet in December, but they will not run in January 2023.
Coffee groups will kick off for the New Year in February. 

Please note: Our North Shore, Auckland coffee group is no longer running.  

You can find all the details for coffee group here. 

Connecting Over Coffee – October  

Juliana from Aroha Tai Chi is joining us at 11am on Wednesday, October 26 for a Tai Chi session. Juliana is a certified instructor for the Tai Chi for Health Institute. 

Wear layered clothing and flat shoes, have a bottle of water handy and a chair to sit on or nearby to use. 

Seeing as October is the month of Be Green & Be Seen we’d love you to come along to tai chi dressed green for the occasion! 

Here’s the Zoom link for each session, and there’s more info about Connecting Over Coffee, and getting reimbursed for your coffee, here  

Supergenerous – making your generosity go further 

Did you know that each donation you make over $5 to the Cerebral Palsy Society is eligible for a 33% rebate from the IRD? We’ve partnered with Supergenerous to make this process hassle free – so you don’t even have to deal with the IRD. Sign up with them, give them the names of the charities you’ve donated to and they’ll do the rest. 

But wait – there’s more! Supergenerous wants to supercharge the impact of human generosity, so they also give you the option to keep the rebate for yourself OR gift your rebate as a new donation right back to the Cerebral Palsy Society….helping you to become Supergivers by upcycling your original donation. 

Click here for more info.  

Entertainment book – a perfect Christmas gift

The Entertainment Book is a local dining and activity guide packed with discounts at restaurants, cafes, activities, retail offers and hotels across New Zealand.   
New Entertainment Digital Memberships are now available and they make fabulous Christmas presents! 

By purchasing your digital membership with our unique link 20% of each sale will come directly to the Cerebral Palsy Society.     
Memberships can start anytime – you will receive 12 months of savings no matter when you purchase.  

The Entertainment membership is a fantastic way to support local businesses, receive some great discounts, and most importantly, help the Society achieve our fundraising goals! 

For more information about Entertainment click here.    

We look forward to bringing you more news again soon.   

Ngā mihi,   
Clare and the CP Society team