Cerebral Palsy Youth Alliance launches FREEDOMS project

06 Oct 2019

The Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand along with its youth extension, the Cerebral Palsy Youth Alliance, launched its FREEDOMS project. The project, which was launched on World CP Day, encompassed the digital versions of the FREEDOMS, which is a unique code of rights the Youth Alliance operates by and what guides their practice.

Each video tells the position of the FREEDOM with the Youth Alliance members relaying personal examples to the FREEDOM they are speaking about.

The FREEDOMS are about individual rights, human rights and the equitable treatment that all people deserve. On World CP Day, we launched two videos with Youth Alliance members Pippa Huddleston and Kurt Petersen who, spoke powerfully about the Freedom to Dream and the Freedom to be Accepted. Their poignant narratives resonate in these two profound content videos where they weave personal examples and experiences into the Freedom in which they speak about. 

These are the voices of the Cerebral Palsy Youth Alliance…