Going green this October to raise awareness of Cerebral Palsy 

20 Sep 2022

Don’t be surprised if you see people sporting green hair, eating green cupcakes, or landmarks around the country turning green during October – it’ll be Kiwis showing their support for those living with Cerebral Palsy.  

This October, the Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand is calling on Kiwis to “go green” as part of its annual campaign. 

Be Green & Be Seen kicks off on October 1 and aims to raise awareness of Cerebral Palsy (CP), and funds for the programmes that support the Society’s members to enjoy active participation and social inclusion. 

In New Zealand, Cerebral Palsy is the most common cause of physical disability for children, and every three days a baby is born with the neurological condition. There are approximately 10,000 people living with Cerebral Palsy in New Zealand.  

Be Green & Be Seen coincides with World Cerebral Palsy Day on October 6, and the Society is going green – the international colour for Cerebral Palsy awareness – for the entire month.  

“We’re calling on Kiwis across the motu to celebrate, to embrace diversity, and to help advocate for a more accessible future for everyone,” General Manager Clare Williams says.  

We want to encourage people to get creative and come up with green ways to raise awareness and donations.  

“Why not host a green-themed morning tea at work, or at home for family and friends. Think spirulina smoothies and green cupcakes, and ask people to make a donation!  

“Or have a green-themed mufti day or casual Friday at school or work in return for a gold coin. You could be bold and colour your hair green – although we definitely recommend temporary products!” 

Clare says it would be incredible if artists created green-themed works that they sold in a raffle or by auction to raise funds for the Society, or people could do something as simple as running a raffle for a jar of green lollies or a hamper of green-themed goodies. 

Among those getting on board with Be Green & Be Seen are a number of landmarks around Aotearoa that are turning green on October 6.  

“We’re delighted to have some well-known landmarks around the motu supporting Kiwis living with Cerebral Palsy, by turning their lights green.  

“We’re looking forward to seeing the Wellington Cable Car, Whangarei’s Victoria Canopy Bridge, the Palmerston North Clock Tower and Regent Theatre, Christchurch Airport’s Control Tower, and the clock towers in Nelson, New Plymouth and Gisborne turn green for Cerebral Palsy.  

“Thank you for getting behind Be Green & Be Seen in such a visual way.” 

The funds raised during Be Green & Be Seen will contribute to the running of the Society’s getProgramme. 

The funding programme ensures that Society members have access to transport, physical activities such as swimming lessons, gym and physio sessions, yoga classes, osteopathy or rehab clinics, as well as counselling and daily essential items that make living life with Cerebral Palsy that little bit easier.  

Donations for the getProgramme will be used by members just like Pippa Winstone, Thomas Chin and Trish McQueen, pictured left to right. They have all shared their story of living with Cerebral Palsy to help raise funds and awareness.  

Pippa, 6, and her Auckland family, share their experiences of struggling to get a diagnosis and adjusting their active lifestyle to ensure that the youngster can take part in as much as possible. 

Thomas (Ngāti Tahu-Ngāti Whaoa, Ngāti Rahurahu), 22, from Christchurch, is a strong advocate for increasing opportunities for people who live with a disability, and has a fabulous knack for turning a roadblock into a positive outcome.   

Trish, 50, from Wellington is known for making the most of life, loves attending yoga and dance classes and has a simple message for Kiwis – “Get to know us for who we are”. 

Taking part in Be Green & Be Seen is as simple as 1-2-3-4. 

Step 1: Decide HOW you are going to go green 
Step 2: Decide WHEN you are going to go green 
Step 3: Make a donation to the Be Green & Be Seen Givealittle page.

“Step 4,” says Clare, “is to sit back and know that you’ve made a difference in the lives of Kiwis living with Cerebral Palsy. 

“We are so very grateful to everyone who takes part in Be Green & Be Seen – from the people who plan and organise an event, to those who participate and those who boldly go green, to those who donate.  

“Thank you, from the bottom of our heart.” 

For more information about Be Green & Be Seen, and to find out how you can get involved, go to 

To donate go to 



What is Cerebral Palsy 

Cerebral Palsy is a physical disability that affects movement and posture. It is an umbrella term that refers to a group of disorders affecting a person’s ability to move. 
It is a permanent life-long condition but generally does not worsen over time. 
Cerebral Palsy is due to damage to the developing brain, either during pregnancy or shortly after birth.  
Cerebral Palsy affects people in different ways and can affect body movement, muscle control, muscle coordination, muscle tone, reflex, posture, and balance.  
Although Cerebral Palsy is a permanent life-long condition, some of the signs of Cerebral Palsy can improve or worsen over time. 
People who have Cerebral Palsy may also sometimes have visual, learning, hearing, speech, and intellectual impairments, and epilepsy. 
There is no known cure and the rates of Cerebral Palsy have remained unchanged despite recent advances in medicine. 


About the Cerebral Palsy Society 

The Cerebral Palsy Society is a member-based organisation that strives to enhance the lives of people with Cerebral Palsy in New Zealand by providing programmes, support and advice. 
Our members are at the heart of everything we do and we are proud to support New Zealanders living with Cerebral Palsy at all ages and stages. 
We run a variety of programmes and services for our members – from funding to subsidise taxi travel and physical activities, to grants, member events and support networks. 


For more information 

Melanie Louden
Cerebral Palsy Society of NZ 
Communications Manager  
022 087 8191 

Anne-Elise Smithson 
Cerebral Palsy Society of NZ 
Partnerships and Fundraising Manager 
022 183 2051 

Cerebral Palsy Society of NZ 
0800 503 603