

The getStructured programme locks in good legal structures around a person with Cerebral Palsy.

Parents will be financially assisted to set up a legal framework (wills, power of attorney, trusts) around a member with Cerebral Palsy, to ensure that future eventualities are considered and planned for.


There are two separate components to the getStructured programme.

Component 1

For families that have no wills, Power of Attorney, or other legal structures, the Society will contribute up to a maximum of $1500 (+GST) of a lawyer’s bill.

The proviso is that the legal beneficiaries of this structure must include someone who has Cerebral Palsy and is a current financial member of the Cerebral Palsy Society. This funding will be a one-off grant per member.
Please click here to become a member.

Component 2

For families that have already set up a legal structure that benefits a member with Cerebral Palsy, a grant will be available once every three years for reviewing and altering this legal structure to ensure it remains relevant.

This grant contributes up to a maximum of $450 (+GST) of the lawyer’s bill for this service. The same eligibility proviso applies as in Component 1.

The Process

Members identify the lawyer they wish to use (please click here to download a list of lawyers some members have used). Parents apply for the getStructured programme using the PDF form below. If approved, the Society will send a letter of guarantee to the member’s lawyer.

This letter authorises the lawyer to invoice the Cerebral Palsy Society and requests a statement from the lawyer confirming that a member of the Society, with Cerebral Palsy, is a beneficiary (other children may also be included as a beneficiary). 


How to apply

Please click here to download a getStructured application form.

Print it out, fill it in and post it to:

Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand
DX Box CP 31005 
New Zealand