Cerebral Palsy Clinical Network Established and Progressing

03 Jun 2020

The Paediatric Society of New Zealand and the New Zealand Child and Youth Clinical Health Network are working in partnership with the Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand. The collective is delighted to advise that we have established a Cerebral Palsy Clinical Network.

We are excited to update you with the current siltation and we are grateful to the many members, staff and clinicians involved with this development.

This network has already made exceptional progress looking at:

Developing a CP screening diagnostic pathway and developing an early intervention for all Health professionals.
An international literature review that relates to shared decision-making with children and youth with disabilities.
Sharing the FREEDOMS video campaign with Health professionals.
Working with the Cerebral Palsy Youth Alliance on transition from child health services into adult services; and reviewing international guidelines.
Looking into the information available on SDR that aids parental decision making.
Completed the CPS literature review for dissemination to District Health Boards and Ministry Of Health regarding intensive therapy.