Donation Tax Credit Made Easier

06 Feb 2020

It’s now easier for your supporters to claim a tax credit after they donate to you – and we want to make it easy for you to tell them how.

Recent improvements to our secure online service – myIR – means supporters can now claim their donation tax credits and upload electronic receipts, or photos or scans of paper receipts online at any time. This means that at the end of the tax year, your supporters will not have to complete a paper form. We’ll automatically calculate the credit and pay it into the bank account provided. They’ll have less to do and will receive their refund much sooner.

What to tell your supporters

This new process makes it even simpler for your supporters. Here’s what you can tell them about the changes. Feel free to copy this information into correspondence with them and on your website (as applicable).

There’s no need to complete a paper form this year because you can now claim donation tax credits online in a myIR account, Inland Revenue’s secure online service.

  • You’ll receive your refund much sooner.
  • Your receipts can be electronic receipts, or photos or scans of paper receipts.
  • Your receipts can be uploaded anytime during the year.

You can find more information on Feel free to direct your supporters here too.

When to tell your supporters

The best time to tell your supporters about these changes is when you issue a donation receipt. You can add this information to the letter or email you send with your receipts or on any physical receipts you issue for donations. You can also use this information to update your website or send in a newsletter.

Information to include on your receipts

To help your supporters claim the donation tax credit, make sure your receipts include:

  • The donor’s name
  • The amount they donated
  • The date they donated
  • A clear statement that it was a donation
  • Your organisation’s name and IRD number
  • Your official stamp or letterhead
  • The signature of an authorised person
  • Your charity number (if you have one).

You can now claim your donation tax credit online in myIR next time you issue them a receipt. For more information go to