Update from the Board (April 28th 2021)

28 Apr 2021

Kia Ora Kōutou.

The last few months have been busy for both the Board and team at the Cerebral Palsy Society (CPS) as everyone is working hard to progress the Society in an exciting direction.

The team is busy behind the scenes, shaping our future. To move forward, we have prioritised enhancing our understanding of what was, and was not, working in the past to ensure we are making informed decisions. We have also been working through a number of outstanding matters from the structural changes of 2020.

The Board, in consultation with staff, are currently developing a comprehensive organisational and communications strategy that will outline the key priorities for the CPS for the next 3+ years to ensure that services and offerings meet the needs of all members – children, youth/young adults, adults, and families alike.

It is important to us, as a board of diverse interests, that our members understand that each group – adults, youth/young adults, children and families – has a strong advocate on the Board. We want to assure you that the interest of all CPS members are being considered equitably.

We are especially excited about the following priorities. We hope they resonate with you, our membership, too!

Whakawhanaunatanga (Understand our members)
• We will expand our understanding of our members. We intend to undertake research to learn who we’re serving and what you need from us. This will enable us to develop better and more relevant services.

Whakamana/Tino Rangatiratanga (Increase advocacy)
• We will strengthen the voice of people living with CP. Your issues will be heard and we will seek meaningful change across the health, education and support sectors.

Whakamārama (Keeping members well informed)
• The information we provide you will reflect the rapidly changing world of treatment, therapy, equipment and technology. We are dedicated to synthesising the latest information and research to help you in your CP journey.

Manaakitanga (Targeted support)
• We will be changing our processes to provide the personalised, targeted support our members deserve.

Ngā Pūtea (Grants)
• We will refine the grants process and redefine our eligibility criteria. The CPS will move with the times so we can provide a fair and transparent process for all. We will provide much needed clarity and work in a more effective and efficient manner.

Mahi hūrokuroku (Working sustainably)
• We are working hard to ensure that CPS will remain a reputable and sustainable charity that has relevance to all members.

He pai hoki ā mātou mahi tahi (Collaboration with MOH)
• We will continue to support the CP Registry and be an active member of the Cerebral Palsy Clinical Network. We will take advantage of having a seat at the table and advocate for key issues our members face CP and scope out collaborative solutions.

Kāri whakaheke utu (Vouchers)
• A new system is on the way, to streamline vouchers for members, the CPS team, and suppliers. This will provide a better and more effective service for everyone.

We look forward to keeping you updated on our progress and sharing information with you over the coming months, we are excited to be underway with fresh plans for the CPS.

Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora a mua

(As a board we acknowledge and value our members. Both are essential and co-dependent. We are making change, our members give us life & guide how we proceed)

Ngā mihi manahau
Merryn, Dan, Pippa, Renata, Emma, Reuben, Meg & Anthony