The Early Years (0-5)

Chapter 6 – Education resources for starting school

Both the Ministry of Education and Kidshealth NZ websites have extra information on services to support students with additional learning needs. See:

Attending your local school

Most children who have CP or any extra education needs will go to the usual classes at their local school and if needed, support can be provided through the school.
Parents can contact a Ministry of Education Learning Support, Service Manager for more information about local services. See:

Attending a special school, satellite classes, and special units within local schools

If your child has high needs, they may attend a specialist school or satellite class, or a unit based within a local school. Ongoing Resource Scheme (ORS) funding is needed for this.


“Remember you know your child best – fun activities that work well for your family, are important.”
– Family quote


Questions to ask potential schools

When considering a school these are some topics to ask about:

  • Class size
  • Access into the classroom and around the school
  • Teacher aides working at school
  • Administering medications
  • Classroom technology
  • Seating and moving around class
  • Break times, eating and drinking
  • Inclusion in school events
  • School experience and strategies that have worked well with other children with different physical or learning needs
  • How best to share information about any help your child may need during the day with all staff.


“People are ready to hear information at different times about the future, do what works for your family.”
– Family quote