Include a gift in your will

Leave a gift of hope for future generations

Making a bequest to the Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand is a wonderful way to support the thousands of NZ children and adults living with the condition. It is the most prevalent physical disability amongst children. Every other day in New Zealand, a child is born with CP and this diagnosis is life-changing for the entire family, as it usually requires significant resources to enable the child to live a full and meaningful life.

Your gift can make a significant difference to people living with Cerebral Palsy.

When naming the Cerebral Palsy Society in your will, you may wish to consider one of these options – a gift of a:

  1. specific amount
  2. particular item, eg asset such as property or funds from an insurance policy  
  3. percentage of your estate

You may also choose to direct that your gift is used for a specific purpose or you may prefer to allow the Society to allocate it “where the need is greatest”.

How to make a bequest

Making a bequest is straightforward and does not require re-writing your will. 

This can be the gift that keeps on giving, as many bequests continue to provide valuable support to those living with cerebral palsy long after they have been received.

If you already have a current will and would like to include a bequest to The Incorporated Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand, you only need to add a codicil – a supplement to the existing will that is intended to alter or modify it.

We recommend you review this codicil with your legal advisor, to ensure it accurately reflects your wishes in respect to your gift to the Society.

If you don’t already have a will

A will is an important legal document that should be prepared by a legal professional. This provides you with an opportunity to discuss options and specific wording and ensures that your assets and personal belongings will be properly distributed upon your death.

Wording for a bequest

Below is an example of the accepted wording that can be used to leave a bequest to The Incorporated Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand (this is our legal name):

 “I give and bequeath the sum of $_____________ (or) __________ % of my estate, (or) residue of my estate, (or) property or assets as follows



free of all charges, to The Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand Incorporated. The official receipt of the Chief Executive or other authorised officer of the Trustee is an absolute discharge to my executors.”

You can let us know about your bequest

While you don’t need to tell us that you’re leaving a bequest to the Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand, if you choose to do so, it gives us an opportunity to honour and acknowledge your generosity during your lifetime. Another good reason for letting us know is in case your will is challenged. If the Society can demonstrate that we have a pre-existing relationship with you, your wishes are less likely to be amended by the court.

Strictest confidence guaranteed

Any enquiries regarding making a bequest will be treated in the strictest confidence by the Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand.  If you wish your gift to be anonymous, we will ensure that your wishes are honoured.

Contact us about your bequest

If you would like to discuss leaving a bequest to the Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand or require further information, please contact us.