Starship Hospital Letter

23 Jul 2019
We recently raised concerns with Starship Hospital regarding the outpatient area. The Cerebral Palsy Society received feedback from Starship officials who agreed that there are some facilities deficiencies and that it is important to improve these. They valued our feedback.
They added additional commentary to the issues below as they have listened to previous feedback and have implemented many of these suggestions in the outpatient redesign that is occurring currently. We wanted to share their feedback with our community.
  1. Lack of hoists for lifting – needs to be one always available for use. 
    There is a hoist available for use and is kept 26B. The Clinic coordinator will organise if required.
    The requests for a hoist are infrequent presently, but we will be monitoring and can review at a later stage if there is a need for one to be kept in outpatients . The storage of a hoist would need to be taken into consideration. It would be great to get further feedback on this as we progress.

  2. Lack of changing table facilities – need to accommodate those that require changing and are not toddlers
    We agree. There will be an electronic fold out table installed in the stage 2 outpatient renovation that is appropriate for use for adolescents. The change table will be installed in the accessibility toilet and change area which will be a separate room in the renovation. This is separate to the weigh and measurement room. 

  3. Lack of weigh tables for ensuring any prescriptions needed can be updated at the time of appointment
    We agree. We have purchased a wheel chair weigh pad that will be installed in the new weigh and measurement room in the stage 2 outpatient renovation.

  4. Parking.  Clear signage on the disability parks for those with high top vans, perhaps along the lines of ‘if you are not in a high top van, even if you have a mobility parking card, you will be towed’
    We have passed this issue on to the facilities team at ADHB and will ask them to liaise back with you directly.

  5. Ensuring that waiting rooms have spaces for kids in wheelchairs
    We have recently renovated the waiting room and think there is now plenty of room and flexibility but would be very happy to receive further feedback on this.

  6. Playrooms to accommodate high needs by having spaces for the children to sit or lay down.  Appropriate sensory toys and equipment for children to play with.
    The playroom adjacent to outpatients has a large amount of space and should be able to accommodate this type of request. Again happy to get more feedback on suitable toys and equipment via Tessa. Could the Society assist with this?