
Your chance to influence CP research

30 Nov 2022

Are you interested in helping shape Cerebral Palsy research in New Zealand?

The Cerebral Palsy Society is looking to form a group of people with lived experience of Cerebral Palsy.

“We’re looking for people who have an interest in informing and shaping future research on Cerebral Palsy in Aotearoa New Zealand,” says Anna Mackey, Project Manager for the New
Zealand Cerebral Palsy Register and the Cerebral Palsy Society.

Anna Mackey

She says this informal group will hear information from researchers who are looking for help to shape and plan research.

“No specialist experience is needed – other than your life experience.”

For Cerebral Palsy research in New Zealand to be meaningful and grow, it needs ongoing involvement from the Cerebral Palsy community.

This will help shape decisions on what is important to research and how the research is done and shared. 

Anna says greater opportunity for the Cerebral Palsy community to work with researchers can lead to research delivering more relevant outcomes.

She says being ‘involved’ is different from ‘taking part’ in research.

“Community involvement is about working with the research team Anna Mackey to plan, design, implement and share the outcomes of research related to Cerebral Palsy.”

For more information email your name and contact details to Amy Hogan – Researcher and Member Support Advisor.

This article was originally published in the September to December edition of The Review magazine.


For more information:
Melanie Louden
Communications Manager
Mobile: 022 087 8191