Public Consultation on Working for Families Tax Credits

22 Apr 2022

The Ministry of Social Development and Inland Revenue are currently consulting on Working for Families tax credits (WfF) and would like to hear your views.

The consultation is part of the Government’s review of Working for Families, to understand how it can be improved to better meet the needs of families in Aotearoa New Zealand.

What they’re reviewing

They want you to help them understand how Working for Families can be improved to better meet the needs of families in Aotearoa New Zealand. This engagement is not seeking your feedback on proposed options for change. Instead, they want your input to help the Government understand where they need to focus their efforts and what action they need to take.

The review will not affect current Working for Families payments. You don’t need to be registered for or receiving Working for Families tax credits to provide your views.

Feedback is open until May 31, 2022.

The survey takes around 10 minutes to complete.