Our Members - Their Stories

Ava’s hot air balloon dream comes true

11 Feb 2022

By Melanie Louden

A hot air balloon ride has long been on Ava’s wish list, and thanks to Lifetime Dream Days, she got that…. and a whole lot more.

For the last four years, Ava Campbell has watched Balloons over Waikato from terra firma.

But last year the Hamilton 13-year-old got to experience the joy of hot air ballooning for herself, thanks to Lifetime Dream Days. 

The charitable trust hosts dream day experiences for people aged 5-21 years old, who have a health and/or disability condition, and their families.

Ava’s mum Lisa Campbell says her daughter has watched the Balloons over Waikato spectacular many times, and frequently said she’d like to go in one herself.

In September 2021 Dream Days and Vision Complete Earthworks made it happen.

“It was a once in a lifetime experience,” Lisa says.

After the trip, they had breakfast with the hot air balloon crew, went to town for a spot of shopping, played at Time Zone and had lunch with the Vision Complete Earthworks team.

Ava, who was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy when she was eight months old, says she was “excited” about the hot air balloon ride and loved that she got to see “the whole view” once they were airborne.

Lisa says they are grateful to everyone involved in the day.

“It will always be a wonderful memory for Ava and our family.”

Lifetime partners with businesses, sports groups and individuals to host individualised dream days.

In Ava’s case Vision Complete Earthworks generously funded and planned the entire day, says Dream Days consultant, Liz Munt.

Nominations for a Dream Day can be made by a health professional, friend or as a self-referral from family.

Candidates can be from one of 14 regions across the country, and Liz is particularly keen to hear from anyone in New Plymouth, Wellington or Napier.

“There is no cost to the family, just come out and share your time with us and have fun,” Liz says.

Click here for more information about Lifetime Dream Days.

This article was originally published in the Jan-Apr 2022 edition of The Review magazine.


For more information:
Melanie Louden
Communications Manager
Mobile: 022 087 8191