COVID-19 Measures from CPS

17 Mar 2020

Please be aware that this article contains expired information. Please click here to see our latest news and information.

Dear Members,

The Cerebral Palsy Society is very aware that the recent development for COVID 19 (Coronavirus) are frightening and of great concern. This is especially the case when it comes to some of our members who are at greater risk of respiratory conditions and problems with the immune system. The situation is changeable and information is circulating on an hourly basis. We will be keeping up-to-date with the latest information and guidelines and will feed any relevant information on the website, email and social media. As a society, we take our responsibility to serve members and families seriously.

We will be monitoring the situation closely and responding as quickly as possible. Over the next few weeks, we will be putting preventive measures in place to minimise the risk of any spread. Some of the changes we are anticipating include:

Reducing time in our office in Auckland
Conducting our advocacy over the phone or using Zoom
Postponing events that require group gatherings
Having a regular roster system for the staff to check in with our members

We are not doing this because we believe our members or New Zealand are particularly vulnerable. These measures are simply to ensure that the Society is ready to respond to any future escalation. Our core services and programmes will be running as normal. However, there may be some adjustments with advocacy and support in the community. There are nationwide ongoing efforts to support the wider New Zealand community and the CP Society staff will work diligently to support our members and their family through this difficult time.

If you would like further information about our COVID 19 measures or you need support, please feel free to contact us.

CPS team