Cerebral Palsy Education Day

23 Jun 2021

The Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand is pleased to be one of the organisations supporting New Zealand’s Cerebral Palsy Education Day. The theme of the 2021 education day is Cerebral Palsy in Aotearoa New Zealand: Early Identification, Surveillance and Beyond.

This education day is targeted at health professionals and whānau / people with lived experiences. It is an opportunity to share findings and developments from a range of Cerebral Palsy related projects.

The day will include: 

  • An update from  CaPTuRE : Cerebral Palsy Translating Research on Early identification
  • The NZCYCN CP Clinical Network launching their best practice recommendations
  • A workshop about the International CP Respiratory Guidelines. 

Please click here to download the official flyer. 

Please click here to download the official program.

Date: Friday, 9th of July 2021.

Location: Zoom

Registration and Costs

Standard Registration Rate: $50.00 New Zealand Dollars. Please click here to register. 

Group Site Rate: $500.00 New Zealand Dollars. Please email to register as a group.

There is no cost for attendance if you are a person with cerebral palsy, person adjacent or family member
of a person with Cerebral Palsy. However, you do need to register. Please contact for a
separate registration link.