
Presentations by a CP Society staff member

The Cerebral Palsy Society offers a range of presentations tailored for various settings and audiences.

Our knowledgeable staff can provide valuable information on living with Cerebral Palsy, working with individuals and their whānau, and offer overviews of Cerebral Palsy from both a research perspective and the viewpoint of allied health professionals.

We can present at schools, universities, conferences and workplaces and we have the flexibility to present in person or online, whether in live sessions or pre-recorded formats, based on the specific requirements and our availability at the time.

Here are some examples of our presentation topics:

  • Overview of Cerebral Palsy designed for occupational and physiotherapists in training
  • Working with Cerebral Palsy as a Teacher Aide or Teachers Assistant
  • Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities within the hospital setting
  • Providing an overview for community coaches and instructors who work with individuals with Cerebral Palsy, such as those in swim schools and riding for disabled programs
  • Speaking at conferences on different aspects of disability and Cerebral Palsy, including lifespan considerations for adulthood
  • Addressing specific topics like mental health and disability, navigating life changes and puberty, and working with different communication devices.

We are committed to delivering informative and engaging presentations that cater to the needs of your audience.

Please note that the availability of specific presentations may vary depending on scheduling and other factors. We are open to discussing your requirements and finding the best approach to meet your needs.

Please reach out to us to discuss your ideas further or to inquire about other presentation topics that may be of interest to you. Email or phone 0800 503 603.

Presentation Logistics

 We are flexible in terms of presentation settings and can adapt to both formal and informal environments, catering to a wide range of audiences. Our presentations can be delivered using various options, including PowerPoint or other formats that suit your specific needs.

In addition to our presentations, we offer a variety of handouts that provide an overview of our society, our work, and different aspects of cerebral palsy. These resources can be distributed to attendees as supplementary materials.

We have experience conducting presentations for both small and large groups, with durations ranging from 10 minutes to an hour. Depending on your requirements, we can also incorporate workshop or teaching components into our presentations to enhance the learning experience and provide practical insights.

Our aim is to ensure that our presentations are informative, engaging, and tailored to meet the needs of your audience.

Requesting a presentation

If you would like a Cerebral Palsy Society staff member to present to your organisation, please email with the following information:  

  • Possible presentation dates and times: Please indicate your preferred dates and times for the presentation.
  • Topic of presentation: Specify the topic you would like us to present on, such as an overview of Cerebral Palsy, working with individuals and their families, or a research-focused perspective.
  • Purpose of the presentation: Let us know the purpose or context of the presentation. For example, if it is for professional development, awareness raising, or a specific event.
  • Presentation format: Specify whether you prefer the presentation to be conducted online or in person.
  • Key messages or topics: Share the key messages or topics you would like the presentation to cover. This will help us tailor the content to meet your organisation’s needs.
  • Audience: Provide information about the intended audience or likely attendees, including their background, profession, or any other relevant details. This will help us customise the presentation to suit their specific interests and requirements.
  • Handouts or additional materials: Let us know if you would like any handouts or additional materials to accompany the presentation. We can provide overviews of the Society, our work, or specific elements of Cerebral Palsy, as needed.

Once we receive this information, we will review it and get back to you with further details, including our availability for the requested time and any additional information we may require.

For more information, please email or phone 0800 503 603.