Our Mission

Our mission is enabling people with cerebral palsy to maximise their potential.


The principles that guide the decisions and behaviour of the CP Society Board and staff are as follows:

  • Bold We are bold and brave, and we are known as innovators in our sector.
  • Relevant – We offer services that are wanted and needed by our members.
  • Inclusive – We value the diverse community we are part of and work with integrity alongside all people – supportive of their gender, sexual orientation, ethnicities, and cultures.
  • Transparent –We are open and accountable both to our members and external stakeholders.
  • Respectful –We are respectful in all our interactions.
  • Empower – We work to build connection, a sense of belonging, and to enable freedom of choice and participation in society.

The Society’s Constitution

By joining the Cerebral Palsy Society you agree to be bound by the Society’s Constitution.  Read or download a copy of the Constitution.