CP Society – Board changes

18 Apr 2024

The April 17, 2024 Cerebral Palsy Society Board meeting resulted in a few changes that we wanted to share with you.

Office bearing roles adjusted

Daniel Clay remains Chairperson/President.

However, Meg Smith (previously Vice President and Secretary) now holds the single role of Secretary.

Board member Emma Lovett has taken on the role of Vice President.

We thank Daniel, Meg and Emma for their commitment to the Society in holding these positions, and we thank all the volunteer Board members for their dedication.



It is with great appreciation for her service to the Society, that we farewell Board member Merryn Straker. Merryn has been on the Board since October 2020.

The Society’s Board and Management would like to extend a huge vote of thanks to Merryn for her dedicated service to the Society.


New appointment

We’re delighted to introduce the newest member to the Board of the Cerebral Palsy Society – Helena Chan.  

Helena has been co-opted to the Board and fills the vacancy left by Kat Thomas at the 2023 AGM. 

“I am passionate about raising the profile of disabled people and maximising their potential to succeed by listening to them and focusing on their strengths, instead of focusing on ‘what we can’t do’. It is paramount to shift the mindset from seeing CP as a ‘deficit’ and focusing on what value individuals with CP can bring to the table.” 

You can read Helena’s full bio, and that of the other board members, here.

Ngā mihi,
Clare and the CP Society team