Paralympic sport key to driving NZ’s inclusion of disabled people

23 Feb 2024

Paralympics New Zealand is calling on those involved in sport to make their codes more inclusive to people living with a disability.

Eighty-four percent of New Zealander’s believe we should have a society that is truly inclusive of disabled people.

Yet research released by Paralympics New Zealand at the end of last year reveals only half believe we are achieving this desired level of inclusion.

The NZ Paralympic Team continues to have a strong impact on Kiwis, and with the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games on the horizon, there is a clear call for more representation of disabled Kiwis on our screens.

Paralympics New Zealand Chief Executive Officer Greg Warnecke is excited about what the research reveals.

“The results indicate that Para sport and the Paralympics are a pathway to better representation and inclusion of disabled people in New Zealand.

“PNZ’s goal is to change attitudes towards disability through showcasing the success of New Zealand’s Paralympians and Para athletes.

“Celebrating their achievements can shift the narrative around disability.”

Making sport more inclusive can start with small steps such as publishing information about the opportunities available for disabled people or the accessibility features of venues. It could mean
providing staff with disability awareness training, or thinking about coaching approaches which include everyone. (Paralympics New Zealand offers LevelUp, high quality training modules on coaching disabled athletes for sports coaches of all levels.)

Paralympian #164, multiple Paralympic Gold medallist and world champion, and world record holder Cameron Leslie is also Swimming New Zealand’s Disability and Para Swimming Participation Manager. He believes reflection is crucial – and change isn’t as hard or as costly as people think.

“Taking the time to consider how we need to evolve our sport or club helps to create more opportunities and choice for disabled people.

“It provides greater options for participation and progression through the sporting pathway.”

“Evolving your sport or club isn’t as hard as people think and it often doesn’t have a cost associated like many think,” Cameron says.

The research findings are important for Aotearoa New Zealand, says Greg.

“Kiwis want to see better representation of disabled people in the media. They want to see more Paralympic sport on TV. One in 4 Kiwis is disabled – that’s 1.1 million of us. These survey
results show a clear opportunity for sport to play a leading role in growing an inclusive Aotearoa.”

More than half (55%) want to see more Paralympic sport even if it comes at the expense of other sports coverage.

The research also uncovers a desire for greater media representation of disabled people in general. 53% say we don’t see enough disabled people in New Zealand media. 

Greg believes demand for Para sport opportunities will grow over the coming months.

“The Paris 2024 Paralympic Games in August are a key moment for Aotearoa New Zealand.

“We know the visibility of the Paralympics inspires people to get into Para sport.

“We feel the excitement, the thrill, the pride when Kiwis excel on the world stage.”

When the survey was conducted, 75% of respondents felt Paralympic sport increases a sense of pride in our country.

“We think that percentage is going to skyrocket with some of the incredible performances we’re going to see in Paris,” Greg says.

Click here for more information about Paralympics NZ.

This article was originally published in the January to April 2024 edition of The Review magazine.


For more information:
Melanie Louden
Communications Manager
Mobile: 022 087 819