
Prioritized strategies to improve diagnosis and early management of CP

23 Feb 2024

Research has been carried out to identify prioritized strategies to support improvements in early health service delivery around the diagnosis and management of cerebral palsy (CP) for both Māori and non-Māori individuals.

Using a participatory approach, health care professionals and the parents of children with CP attended co-design workshops on the topic of early diagnosis and management of CP.

Health design researchers facilitated two ‘discovery’ (sharing experiences and ideas) and two ‘prototyping’ (solution-focused) workshops in Aotearoa, New Zealand. A Māori health service worker co-facilitated workshops for Māori families.

Four co-design workshops (7-13 participants each) were held and included 12 parents (children ranging GMFCS I-V, diagnosis received between 8-36 months of age) and 14 clinicians.

The research project was carried out by Starship Children’s health, led by Prof Sue Stott and funded by Starship Foundation.