Our Members - Their Stories

Goals achieved

06 Dec 2023

Nikayla Woods’ “feel the fear and do it anyway” attitude has seen another goal ticked off her bucket list.

In May, the 26-year-old, from Rotorua took park in the Ocean Swim Fiji Series – three 1km swims over five days.

“My swim series in Fiji was epic, and I achieved my goals for this event,” she says.

The trip was filled with a bit of sightseeing and relaxing as well as challenges around accessible bathrooms, getting the wheelchair from one airport to the next, and through sand.

“Overall, I hit all my goals of doing at least two of the swims and not giving up and pushing my hardest, meeting and chatting to new people and making friends. Also coping with challenges that came our way and finding solutions without getting worked up.”

Nikayla says she is very grateful to everyone who helped make this trip happen – from those who donated to her Givealittle page, to the people who helped her get around the island, and the pilot that ensured her wheelchair arrived back in Auckland when she did.

This article was originally published in the September to December 2023 edition of The Review magazine.


For more information:
Melanie Louden
Communications Manager
Mobile: 022 087 819