Our Members - Their Stories

getDriving – A new kind of independence

26 Jun 2023

Learning to drive is becoming a reality for more members of the Cerebral Palsy Society.

Among them is Cat Owen, 25, who says driving will bring her a sense of freedom.

“I’m looking forward to independence without having to rely on unreliable public transport,” she says.

“I’m thankful for this huge opportunity. At first, I was unsure. But my confidence behind the wheel is differently improving each week!”

getDriving recognises that learning to drive is more expensive for people who have Cerebral Palsy compared to their able-bodied counterparts. 

Lessons in specialised vehicles with disability modifications are more expensive, and potentially, people with Cerebral Palsy have other disability barriers to overcome which can result in them needing more lessons.

getDriving provides funding for 10 driving lessons enabling current financial members of the Society, who already have their Learner Licence, to sit their Restricted Licence.

Potential participants must be a New Zealand citizen/ resident, a current financial member of the Cerebral Palsy Society of NZ and have a current Learner Driver Licence. They must also have sign-off from a General Practitioner (GP).

Two generous donors provided the funding to get the programme off the ground and so far more than 16 members have  been assessed for getDriving and 14 have started lessons.

Click here for all the getDrivng criteria.


This article was originally published in the May to August 2023 edition of The Review magazine.


For more information:
Melanie Louden
Communications Manager
Mobile: 022 087 8191