
Mothers’ experience of having a child with cerebral palsy. A systematic review.

18 Mar 2022

CP society Board Chairperson Meg Smith, is a parent to a pre-teen with CP & wears many hats, including Co-Chair on the CP Clinical Network.

She is also working towards a doctoral degree looking into the experiences of NZ tamariki living with CP, & their whanau – an area she has discovered has had very little research done in NZ.

Her latest review “Mothers’ experience of having a child with cerebral palsy. A systematic review” has been published in the Journal of Pediatric Nursing.  
It “highlights the need for support networks, collaborate healthcare relationships, clear & accurate information & adequate government & financial support. By understanding mothers’ experiences more deeply, there is an opportunity to guide the changes needed for improvement & provide a more meaningful picture into what this experience looks like.”

Read more here.