Covid-19 Update & Office Closure: August 17th 2021

17 Aug 2021

Kia ora koutou to all members

From 11.59pm on Tuesday, 17th August 2021 all of New Zealand will be entering Covid-19 Alert-Level 4 for three days and seven days for Auckland and Coromandel due to a new community case of Covid-19.

The Cerebral Palsy Society offices will be closed and our staff will be working from home. Our current services will continue to be available and our staff are available and contactable by phone and email. To limit exposure to our members and staff, our offices will remain closed whilst Auckland is in Alert Levels above level 1.

We are aware that another lockdown may be adding to the stress and and anxiety levels. We encourage you all to follow the advice given by the New Zealand government and healthcare professionals. Most importantly let us all remember to be kind and take care of each other. And once again please remember that all CP Society staff remain available for any of our members requiring advice and support during this time.

kia mahara, kia haumaru

Ngā Mihi
Clare and your CP Society Team