Member Update: Cerebral Palsy Grants Committee Notice and Vacancy

06 Aug 2021

Kia ora and warm greetings to all our members

We are sad to announce that after 5 years of dedicated service on the CP Society’s Grants Committee, Sean Parker has stepped down from his position as Chair of the Grants Committee. The Board, management and staff would like to convey our sincere thanks to Sean for his valued and dedicated service to the Society over these years. Sean will be missed.

On a positive note we are pleased to announce that Craig Gadsby who is a current member of the Grants Committee has stepped into the role of Chair of the Grants Committee as from 4th August 2021. The Board, management and staff look forward to continuing our valuable relationship of service with Craig and wish him well in his new role.

These developments have resulted in a vacancy on the CP Society’s Grants Committee. We extend an invitation to all current financial members of the CP Society to submit their expression of interest to take on this role on the Grants Committee.

Expressions of Interest may be emailed to

If you have any queries or would like to discuss this opportunity please don’t hesitate to get in touch with myself or the team at the office on 0800 503 603.

Ngā mihi

Clare Williams
General Manager