Be a Part of IHC’s Human Rights Case to Improve Education

21 May 2021

For years, the IHC has been advocating for better education for children with disabilities. IHC lodged a complaint under Part 1A of the Human Rights Act 1993. This legal mechanism considers whether government policy and processes are free from unlawful discrimination. The government has tried to remove key aspects of the case. However, after 5 years of waiting, it has been confirmed that the case will go ahead with all of the information.

Before writing up new court documents to move the case forward, the Director of Human Rights Proceedings, Michael Timmins, wants to hear from families and students. He wants to know: 

  • What difficulties have you and your child faced at school?
  • How did you go about trying to solve those problems?
  • What changes do you think need to happen for your child and other disabled students to get a fair deal?

Michael also wants to hear from people from the education, disability, and community sectors about what they think about these problems and how they could be solved.  There are two meetings scheduled for May 28th 2021:

Meeting for Parents
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Location: CCS Disability Action Auckland, 14 Erson Road, Royal Oak, Auckland 1061.
You can also attend this meeting virtually.

Meetings for Teachers, Principals and Other Education Sector Staff
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Location: This is a virtual meeting only.

Please register to attend these meetings by emailing IHC at

IHC is arranging other meetings around New Zealand this year. Please let IHC know if you would like to host a meeting, attend a meeting or would like to support the complaint by phoning the Advocacy team on: 04 472 2247, 0800 442 442 or emailing them at