Covid-19 & Coffee Group Update (March 8th 2021)

08 Mar 2021

Please be aware that this article contains expired information. Please click here to see our latest news and information.

Kia ora Koutou Katoa,

Following the Government Announcement, the Auckland Region moved to Alert Level 2 at 6.00 a.m. on Sunday 7th March 2021. The rest of New Zealand moved to Alert Level 1 at the same time.

Government guidelines for businesses to operate safely at Alert Level 2 encourage alternative ways of working where possible. To mitigate risks to all our staff as well as our members and any other visitors to our offices, we continue to minimise non-essential face-to-face contact. Our team remains available to members via our 0800 number (0800 503 603) or on our Information & Enquiries email: 

Our Coffee Groups for the Auckland region have been cancelled and will resume once Auckland moves to Alert Level 1. All coffee groups outside of Auckland will go ahead as scheduled. 

Ngā mihi
Clare & your CP Society Team