Tena Koutou Katoa And Warm Greetings To All Members

18 Dec 2020

Please be aware that this article contains expired information. Please click here to see our latest news and information.

Well it’s certainly been a busy time for the new board with weekly meetings continuing since the last update and lots of mahi to do.
We had our first face to face meeting on Wednesday December 2nd 2020 at the CPS office. It was great to finally meet each other face to face and have the opportunity to have good korero. We are steadily getting through all identified work and also bringing together a strategic plan and vision for the future.

We would like to share the following news with you all;

We were really sorry to say goodbye to Jordon Milroy. Jordon’s last day with the society was 9th December 2020. He left us to pursue new adventures. Jordon was an amazing team member who played a pivotal role in conceptualising and establishing the Youth Alliance. He was passionate about ensuring that youth have the freedom to be and do what they choose, and was an excellent motivator for other rangatahi. His leadership, enthusiasm and sense of humour will be missed, but we wish him all the best for the future. Thank you, Jordon, for ensuring the people you came into contact with through the CPS felt heard and included. As you will all appreciate this is a big loss and has left a significant gap. We are still working through this as along with Jordon’s resignation the Ministry of Social Development funding for this group has not continued.

We are working hard to streamline the voucher system so that we can make it easier to use and at the same time aim to reduce the manual processes required in the office. We hope to be able to have something up and running in the new year. There will also be a review of all the programmes early next year. For those of you wondering if you are able to use vouchers that expired during the first lockdown,
unfortunately, due to this year’s budget being negatively impacted, the CP Society is currently not in a position to allow for the use of expired vouchers. The budget for the expired vouchers has already been redeployed to other areas of operations.

During our recent face to face board meeting, it was great to have Professor Sue Stott and Mollie Wilson from the Cerebral Palsy Clinical Network present to us. As a result, we are making arrangements to formalise our involvement with the CP clinical network and are thrilled to be involved in the progressive piece of work.

We are excited to be able to introduce two new board members Pippa Huddleston and Daniel Clay. This will bring the board director numbers up to 8 . You will be able to read all about them in their bios Our Board | Cerebral Palsy Society We are confident that they will both bring valuable skills, experience and perspectives to the board and increase our diversity.

We are really keen to keep as connected to members as possible and welcome you all to email us at any time with thoughts, ideas or comments at

In the meantime, the CPS office will be closed from 12.30pm December 23rd and re open Monday 11th of January. We wish you all a very Meri Kirihimete and Tau Hou hari (happy new year).

Renata, Emma, Anthony, Pippa, Merryn, Meg, Reuben and Daniel

About: Freedom & Choice