Message From The Board

30 Oct 2020

Kia ora tatou.   Just a quick update to let you know that the new CPS Board had its first board meeting this week.

There is a lot to work through but we have made a good start and would like to announce the following appointments were made:

President – Ed Collett
Vice President – Renata Kotua
Secretary – Meg Smith
Treasurer – Merryn Straker (interim)

The Board has received resignations from Freida Crawford (effective immediately) and Dave Thomas (effective 31st October) and we would like to thank them for their time and work on the CP Society Board.  

We recognise that the Society and the membership have had many challenges in recent months.  The Society is in a period of transition and it will take some time for the new Board to work through issues and to determine our future strategy for the Society, and we will be seeking member input into that. In the meantime our first job is to get our feet under the table, meet and listen to the staff and understand in detail the Society’s operations and priorities. 

Most of the new Board have now been in to meet some of the team over the last couple of days, and we all look forward to scheduling a time to meet the full team.

As we embark on this journey we will be having regular meetings,  some in person, some on Zoom,  as we seek to understand and meet the challenges facing the Society and members.  We have a great team of people with a complementary variety of skills and experiences, ready to work hard to take the Society forward positively and successfully for the benefit of members.

Ngā mihi manahau

Renata, Merryn, Meg, Emma, Reuben, Anthony, Ed