Total Mobility Level 2 Update

14 May 2020

Please be aware that this article contains expired information. Please click here to see our latest news and information.

The team at Total Mobility released a statement earlier in this regarding Level 2 and any updates around services.

Covid-19 Alert level 2 update
Under Alert level 2 Total Mobility trips where the total fare is $80 or less will remain free for clients up to the 30 June 2020. For fares over $80 clients will need to pay the extra charge above $80.

Using TM card
You will still need to swipe your TM card at the start and finish of your trip just like normal. The difference is that you will not be asked to pay your part of the fare for most trips.
Should you be asked to pay for the fare, please ask for a receipt and let Auckland Transport know (Call Centre 09-366 6400)

Types of trip
Under Alert level 2 you can use your Total Mobility card with Total Mobility taxi operators for most travel.
You can travel, but do it in a safe way and remember to keep a record of your journey.

You should not travel if you: have been requested to self-isolate/quarantine, if feeling unwell, or are awaiting COVID-19 test results (except if travelling in a private vehicle following advice from a Health official, Healthline, a hospital or your GP). Further details are provided on the Ministry of Transport website.
If you are unwell, don’t travel. If you need to travel, ring Healthline first (0800 358 5453).

Stay home if you can
Many TM clients are classed as vulnerable to Covid-19 due to their age or underlying health conditions. We encourage you to stay at home where possible and keep safe and well.
If you have to travel we recommend you follow the Ministry of Health advice for vulnerable individuals.
“At Alert Level 2, there is more freedom to move around and reconnect with close family, whānau and friends. If you are an at-risk person, you’ll need to take extra precautions when doing this.
Things you can do to stay safe:
· Reconnect with smaller groups of close family, whānau and friends.
· Try not to interact with too many people outside of your own social circle as it won’t be easy to do contact tracing if necessary.
· Keep a 2 metre distance from people you don’t know in public places and take extra care with hygiene practices.
· Avoid touching surfaces and wash your hands before and after you leave home.
· Wipe keys, handrails and regularly touched surfaces.
· Avoid passing around your mobile phone to other people.”

Keeping safe
Please visit the Covid-19 website for further information on looking after yourself during this national emergency.
Keep well, keep safe and continue being kind.