Covid-19 Information Hub

Standing Together Against COVID-19
Compassion. Connection. Care. Community.

The Cerebral Palsy Society acknowledges that COVID 19 (Coronavirus) is unsettling and that the nationwide lockdowns revealed many issues our community is facing. This is especially the case when it comes to some of our members who are at greater risk of respiratory conditions and problems with their immune system. We have kept up-to-date with the latest information and guidelines and have fed any relevant information on the website, email and social media. As a society, we take our responsibility to serve members and families seriously. We monitor the situation closely and respond as quickly as possible. We put preventive measures in place to minimise the risk of any spread.

Some of the changes include:

  • Reducing/eliminating time spent in our Auckland office
  • Conducting our advocacy over the phone or using Zoom
  • Postponing events that require group gatherings
  • Having a regular roster system for the staff to check in with our members.

Essentials Hub

Keeping informed through COVID-19 is important, we have put together an Essentials Hub where you’ll find links to important information and contact points.

This will include health related information, emergency contact information, a quick downloadable guideline to keeping active and informed, as well as a function to request a call from our team.

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Wellbeing Hub

During the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdowns, emphasis has been placed on mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.

The Cerebral Palsy Society has compiled a hub, focusing on key areas such as compassion, connection, care and community. Being physically isolated from family, friends, and colleagues during this time is difficult for everyone.

Information in this hub includes encouragement around reaching out to friends and family via text, email and Zoom, smiling to your neighbours and those living around you, encouragement to learn a new skill or a new exercise, getting outside for fresh air and committing to exercise for 10 minutes per day.

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Kid’s Hub

As a community we can educate kids and families about ways to keep active, engaged, entertained and informed in a fun way.

Lockdown is trying for many families across New Zealand, the information in this hub will provide children and families with educational and fun resources.

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Covid-19 Vaccination Information

There is a lot of information to consider when it comes to making a decision about whether the Covid-19 vaccination is right for you. We’ve gathered relevant information and website links, and also created a Q&A section to help you.

If you have more questions, if there’s something we haven’t touched on, please get in touch so we can help. 


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Join Our Online Community

It’s an important time to be connected. Connecting with your community is an incredibly powerful way to beat isolation at this time.

Join our online community today where you can speak with CPS staff, and other families around New Zealand who either have, or know someone living with Cerebral Palsy.

Visit our Facebook

Request A Call From Our Team

We’re here to help. If you’re feeling isolated or need support, our team is available to talk. Sometimes, having someone to chat with can make a huge difference during this time of isolation.

Why not request a call or email from the team today?

Request a call