Carer Support Level Three Overview

05 May 2020

Carer Support is available for ‘full-time carers’ – a full-time carer is the person who provides more than 4 hours per day unpaid care to a disabled person, for example, the parent of a disabled child. For those who are currently accessing the subsidy there is some flexibility in usage under Level 3. The subsidy is typically $76 per day. For members that are in the system it is worth looking into the changes.

It is understood that families can now use the days from the nationwide lockdown period to the end of Level 3 to purchase sensory items that benefit their child or somebody in their household over the age of 16 can be support carer for the child to give the primary carer time out.  

Sensory items can include such things as phones, devices, bikes, trampolines but cannot claim food, clothes, running costs, repairs or bills. 

Cerebral Palsy Society would encourage anyone wishing to claim to do so before alert Level 2.
Claims can be made as normal using the forms and posting them through or via email – Subject: Childs full name and NHI number

Before doing the application it would be a good idea to contact carer support service on 0800281222 to clarify information and how to complete the forms

The form must be attached and the tax invoice for the claimed item should be attached all to the same email.
No response will be sent so they are asking people to check that emails have been received after 2/3 days.
The process will take the normal amount of time for money to be reimbursed.   If the MOH do not have a families bank details then a copy of the bank account info needs to be included.