Update on the Cerebral Palsy Clinical Network

24 Jun 2020

The Cerebral Palsy Society wishes to thanks Prof Susan Stott; Mollie Wilson from Paediatric Society and Clinical Networks; the clinicians and therapists involved and our members for their incredible work to date on the Cerebral Palsy Clinical Network. So many clinicians, therapists and members have undertaken such amazing work to make a difference for our members and their families. Thank you!!

The Network was approved by the Paediatric Society last year and progress to date has been significant. The Cerebral Palsy Network has

  • Drafted evidence-based national clinical consensus documents for diagnosis and early intervention based on best practice. These include early intervention therapy check lists with diagnostic pathways; best practice recommendations for therapy and neuro support in NICU. These are currently under consultation with clinicians and therapists
  • Reviewed current pathways for SDR for New Zealand families including identifying the gaps in information for criteria; surgery and post-op therapy. Next step is consulting with members of the CP Society about their experiences and potential plans. The purpose of this work stream is to develop an issues paper for the Ministry of Health about the next steps for SDR in New Zealand
  • Made great progress in reviewing International Guidelines around transition from paediatrics to adult services; reviewing national practises; developing checklists for adult healthcare providers; service planners; health professionals; families and young people.
  • Continued to support the development of a sustainable pathway for the NZ Cerebral Palsy Register. The register will now look at equity and service access.
  • Worked with the Cerebral Palsy Society to amplify the child and youth voice in the sector. These videos are available.
  • Made further progression around the research on Intensive therapies which will be available shortly. Discussion is occurring about phase 2 of the intensive therapy work stream.