Freedoms – A Cerebral Palsy Youth Perspective on Human Rights

04 Oct 2018

The Cerebral Palsy Youth Alliance is a dynamic group of individuals who strive to give a collective voice on youth issues from the perspective of young people with disabilities. 

The Alliance has recently launched their Code of Freedoms – a series of statements which speak to the choices, decisions and outcomes that they believe all youth, but especially those with disabilities, are entitled to.  

The Code of Freedoms came about from the idea of shaping respite care environments by empowering young people who rely on these services to have a clearer understanding of the rights which they are entitled to.  The group soon realised that these Freedoms encompass rights far beyond just respite. Their vision is to inspire other young people with disabilities to join our movement towards greater freedom in all aspects of our lives. 

The full list of Cerebral Palsy Youth Alliance Freedoms are:


Freedom to choose:                                  To make all decisions surrounding education, health, employment and relationships that will affect my day-to-day life and will empower my future. And to accept the consequences of those decisions and choices.


Freedom to have fun:               To be able to act my age and allow myself to enjoy the great opportunities life has to offer, without judgment or discrimination.


Freedom to be heard:                               To be listened to and understood, and to have my opinion valued.


Freedom to be loved:                                To receive love and to be respected as the person I am.


Freedom to have privacy:                        To choose what personal information to disclose.


Freedom to access opportunities:     To pursue the life I choose, without barriers, whether physical, mental, or social. To be included in society and be part of meaningful discussions and decisions.


Freedom to be accepted:                         To be seen just as I am, free of judgements, negativity, and condescension.


Freedom to be confident:                        To have the ability to find my voice, love myself, and radiate self-worth.


Freedom to be supported:                       To be surrounded by people who encourage and foster my ability to live the life I choose.


Freedom to pursue dreams:                   To be able to set and achieve goals.


The Cerebral Palsy Youth Alliance (YA) would like to welcome anyone with CP aged 18 – 35 to join the group at their next meeting on the 16th of October.  The group meet monthly and can Skype in anyone outside of Auckland who is interested in being part of the group. 

Details of the next meeting are:

CPS Office

Ground Floor, 8 Railway Street, Newmarket, Auckland

6pm – 8pm

If you would like to find out more about the Cerebral Palsy Youth Alliance or get involved, please get in touch:

