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Changes to Purchasing Rules and Equipment and Modification Services

20 March 2024
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Members day out at Willowbank Wildlife Park 

12 March 2024
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e-Card funding round – March 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024

1 March 2024
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Paralympic sport key to driving NZ’s inclusion of disabled people

23 February 2024
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Latest news from the Cerebral Palsy Society – The Review magazine, Round the ...

22 February 2024
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Cerebral Palsy Society – fundraising with Round the Bays 2024, coping with the ...

26 January 2024
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Fun run to raise funds for CP Society

25 January 2024
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Coping in the summer heat

21 December 2023
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Christmas wishes from the Cerebral Palsy Society

18 December 2023
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CP Society – holiday shutdown

29 November 2023
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CP Society’s latest news – The Review magazine, FAQs, coffee group ...

23 November 2023
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